5 Quotes & Sayings By Louise Carey

Louise Carey is an Australian writer, poet and publisher. She is the author of three collections of poetry, winner of the Prime Minister’s Literary Award, named one of ‘the 100 most influential women in Australia’ by The Australian Women's Weekly, listed in the top 50 writers under 40 by "The Weekend Australian" and "The Australian" newspapers, finalist for New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards, winner of the NSW Premier’s Young Writer Award and the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards – all for her first collection – and two more poetry collections – all published by Black Inc. Her most recent work is the poetry collection "A Wild and Lavender Crown." Louise receives her PhD from Macquarie University and teaches creative writing at various universities and schools around Australia.

A curiosity: my name, Rem, will someday come to mean a line of text in a language spoken only by machines. Specifically, it will mean a line that the machines can safely ignore--one that's only there as a mnemonic, a placeholder, for the people who give the machines their orders. A REM line might say something like "this bit is a self-contained sub loop" or "Steve Perlman in Marketing is a shit." The program as a whole rolls on past and around the REM lines, ignores them completely as it takes its shape, moves through its pre-ordained sequences, unfolds its wonders. My mother named me well. . Louise Carey
Sooner or later our souls find their centre of gravity in a hot, salt-tasting kiss and a trembling touch. Trembling is a good sign: it means you're open to a world that knows you're coming. Louise Carey
In fifteen hundred years someone will figure out a way to squeeze black juice out of the yellow sand, and that will get everyone very excited. Some people who were rich already will get a lot richer, and some people who were poor will be told that they're richer but will be pretty sure they're not. Louise Carey
It's the story of the City of Women; of how it came to be, how it flourished, and how it was destroyed by a reckless and irrevocable act of mercy. Louise Carey